How to select a device for targeting Deer

How to select a device for targeting Deer

There’s a lot of choice when it comes to shooting deer as deer are big static type animals and you can typically shoot them up close. This opens up a whole bunch of options. So here’s our list of considerations.

If you’re shooting deer under 75 meters you can use a 25hz refresh scope, sure the image may not look perfect, but you’re shooting minute of deer. Don’t expect to head / neck shoot with these types of scopes, but engine room shooting is easy. You can shoot engine room with any 25mm 50hz scope as well under 100 meters. If you want to neck shoot them, then start with 35mm focal length, these will have a bit more magnification and allow you to neck shoot out to about 80 meters or so. From there any magnification you add just makes the job easier.

Our preference is a 640 sensor when it comes to shooting deer under 150 meters and a 384 sensor with at least 3.5 magnification over 150 meters. The 640 sensor gives you a very nice field of view in close and allows you to keep track of your deer a bit better if it starts to run. It also allows for follow up shots on mobs of deer.

Monoculars –

Thick Bush – Minimum of a 13mm focal length which gives you a wide field of view.  Great for spotting heat signatures in thick bush up to about 100m.

Open Areas – Minimum of 25mm focal length, nice wide field of view, deer are a big heat source and will produce a good quality heat target for detection well over 500m, identification at around 300m.

Scopes –

Thick Bush – Minimum of a 19mm focal length which gives you a wide field of view.  Great for getting on target of big heat signatures in thick bush up to about 100m.s

Open Areas – Minimum of 25mm focal length and 3 magnification, good for shots under 100m, 35mm+ focal length will increase this to 250+ meters

Our Favourite Fox Scopes