How to select a device for targeting Foxes

The biggest consideration with a fox scope is matching your base magnification to your shooting distance. Foxes are small animals, close to the ground and typically at longer distances. You’re actually asking your scope to do a lot when you’re shooting foxes; deer and pigs, easy they’re big heat signatures and typically closer in. So if you want to shoot foxes consider this:

  • You’ll need a 50hz refreshing sensor, a 25hz won’t do the job, foxes move to quick and a 25hz refresh won’t keep up.
  • Our preference is a 384 sensor as it has more native base magnification than the equivalent 640 scope (by equivalent we mean that a 384 sensor will have approx 50% more base magnification than a 640 scope in the same focal length and micron (um) size).
  • If you’re shooting under 200 meters you can use a 640 scope with a 12 micron sensor at around 2.8 magnification as you will be able to get some digital zoom out of it, avoid the 2x or 2.5x 17 micron sensors at this distance. 384 scopes at this distance should not have less than 3.5 magnification. If you’re shooting below 150 meters you can use a 384 scope with 3 magnification. If you’re shooting above 200 meters use a 384 scope with at least 4 magnification.

When selecting monoculars look for lens size or focal length of 35mm and higher if you’re wanting to spot them out of 300 meters and 25mm for under 300m.  This will ensure you have good target detection distance without compromising to much on field of view.

The smaller lens in the moncocular the wider field of view which means less magnification.  As foxes are small and low to the ground, lower than 2.5 magnification in a monocular makes them difficult to detect and identify further out.